Faculty of Eastern Medicine


The objective of establishing the Faculty of Eastern Medicine (FEM) was to equip its graduates with a comprehensive understanding of cure from nature via Herbal Medicine and Nutrition. FEM comprises of two departments: Department of Eastern Medicine and Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.


Purpose of establishing these two departments under one umbrella is to expose students with these interlinked fields pertinent to human life so that experts of these areas can train students holistically while employing the concepts of Traditional Medicine and Nutrition with most up-to-date diagnostic technologies and modern approaches for disease management and healthcare, in order to prepare graduating students for their future careers.

Associate Dean Message

Prof. Dr. Syed Faisal Haider

A very warm welcome to Faculty of Eastern Medicine (FEM) at Hamdard University Islamabad Campus (HUIC), a brainchild of Late Hakim Mohammad Said Shaheed, which covers evolving fields of herbal medicine and human nutrition & diet. This Faculty has a unique association with Shaheed Hakim Said because of his personal interest and passion towards healing humans with nature. We take pride in this association and strive to continue his mission with our dedicated efforts in fulfilling what Shaheed Hakim Said started i.e., Care for All with Sympathy (Hamdard). Accomplishing Care for All is only possible when we consider what nature has provided for the treatment of ailments and for maintaining a healthy life. We, as Eastern Medicine and Nutrition Experts, believe in nature and apply healing arts of natural medicine and diet therapy to achieve the mission of Care for All. Eventually, the Faculty of Eastern Medicine is providing state of the art education and skills to our students enabling them to apply their knowledge from bench to bedside in alleviating the sufferings of humanity.

We take pride in stating that the two emerging and most demanding fields of Herbal Medicine and Nutrition exist under one umbrella of our faculty. Our faculty members are of high caliber with years of experience in their field along with conducting research projects on topics relevant to the local community. Faculty members are not only involved in extensive teaching but also collaborative research projects, community activities, and awareness campaigns. Our mission is to graduate students with basic and clinical science skills required not only to serve the patients but also the whole community. Our vision is to lead the fields of Herbal Medicine and Nutrition at national and international level. Currently we are offering two undergraduate programs in Eastern Medicine and Human Nutrition & Dietetics. Beauty of our programs lies in the unique combination of major medical subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology etc along with dedicated courses on Herbal Medicine and Human Nutrition. It is high time and dire need of such courses when the World is turning back to nature for the cure and prevention of diseases. On behalf of all faculty members, staff, and students, I invite all nature-lovers to explore the potential of cure from medicinal herbs and diet and be part of the mission of Care for All with Sympathy!!

Academic Rules

BEMS Examinations System And Grading

1. Mid Term and Terminal Examination

The examination held at the end of semester after the completion of a course shall be known as Terminal Examination. It will carry 100 marks each for theory and practical. This examination is a passing head i.e., a student must for each course obtain a minimum of 50% marks separately in theory and practical in this examination. In each semester students may be required to appear in quizzes, and submit assignments to be determined by the teacher concerned and for these HEC policy guidelines and implementation of semester system will be followed. The distribution of marks will be:

  • Theory: Mid Term Test 30 Marks, Terminal Examination 70 Marks.
  • Practical: Terminal Examination 100 Marks.

2. Grading System

Grades given to a student in each course shall be of two types:

a. Numerical Grade (NG) Assessment of performance on the basis of marks out of 100 fixed for a course of 2 or 3 credit hours unit is NG.

b. Letter Grade (LG) Equivalent of numerical grades in terms of alphabets shall be termed as alphabetical grades. (Each letter carries a value in terms of numerical points)

c. Grading


Degree Requirements:

1. Letter Grades A, B, C or D in all courses.
2. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)* – Minimum 2.00, calculated for all semesters.
*CGPA = Sum of (credit hours X GPA) Total credit hours
d. Incomplete Grade (IG)

A student fails to complete a course for reason beyond his control may be granted incomplete (IG). This course can be completed subsequently, for which fresh course fee be deposited. Any student who fails to maintain a GPA 1.8 shall be placed on probation.
e. Grade Point Average (G.P.A) Points obtained in each course shall be multiplied by the number of Credit Hours specified for that course, and then a grade point ratio (GPA) shall be calculated. For example, the result of a 1st year student in a semester may be as follows:

f. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) This is obtained by adding all the Grade Points of the courses during 5 years study period and dividing the total by the total number of credit hours.

g. Improvement of ‘C’ Grade: A student is allowed to improve ‘C’ grade only when he/she has cleared all courses but short of required CGPA. (Cumulative Grade Point Average i.e. 2.00)

h. Semester and Examination Duration: The semester duration will be four months and one month for examination both for theory and practical or clinical. Similarly the year will consists of two semester and two terminal examinations, completing in a span of 10 months.


3. Requirement for the Award of B.E.M.S. Degree

a. A student must have passed all prescribed courses.

b. A student must have obtained a minimum CGPA : 2.00.

4. Attendance Attendance in each subject is compulsory for all students and no student shall be eligible to appear at any University examination unless he has attended 75 per cent lecture sessions in the course.


Admission and Examinations Post Graduate Studies (M.Phil.)

Master of Philosophy (Eastern Medicine) Research

The Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Research was established in 2002 and is the first research-based postgraduate in Eastern Medicine. This Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Research is available to qualified BEMS graduates the areas of evidence based medicine. Many of the projects run in the Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) research will be supervised with research-trained medical Faculty at Hamdard University




The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) is a research degree awarded for a thesis considered to be a substantially original contribution to the subject concerned. The resolutions of the Academic Council of degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) are given in The University Calendar, Statutes and Regulations.
For PhD. master’s degree or equivalent degree is required as per HEC directives.
For the Master of Philosophy, a bachelor’s degree (BEMS or equivalent degree) is required as per HEC directives.
Applicants should normally hold a master’s degree or a bachelor’s degree in Eastern Medicine from the University, or an equivalent qualification from another university or institution.


Areas of Research

Research in Eastern Medicine covers a broad spectrum of clinical sciences ranging from the design, formulations, clinical trials, through studies on methods of treatment of disease, to research on the clinical and sociological aspects of Unani therapies.


Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) 2-4 years

All applicants for research degrees must contact the Faculty before making a formal application to establish that their research proposal is likely to be acceptable and that there are adequate resources and facilities for the research, as well as appropriate supervision. Formal applications must be accompanied by a four-page research proposal.



Admissions in Hamdard University are given according to merit


1. Eligibility for Admissions.

Bachelor of Eastern Medicine (BEMS) or Equivalent Degree, GAT / Equivalent Test.


2. Procedure for Synopsis Submission

(a) The application on the prescribed form shall be made to the Registrar through the Dean, Faculty of Eastern Medicine and the Chairman concerned. It shall be accompanied with the synopsis consisting of the objectives, plan of work, methodology and bibliography.

(b) The Registrar shall present the application before the Board of Advance Studies and Research (BASR). The Board shall approve the title of the thesis, the name of the research supervisor and course requirement.

(c) The Registrar shall notify the decision of the BASR.

(d) Every candidate shall pursue his/her research at the Hamdard University, Karachi or any other institution approved by the BASR.

(e) No candidate shall, join another course of studies or appear at any other examination conducted by the University.


3. Progress Report

The Student through his Supervisor will submit progress report every six months for the consideration of BASR, Hamdard University


4. Submission of Thesis

(a) The candidate shall not be allowed to submit the thesis after the end of 4th year from the date of admission
(b) The plan of thesis should be as follows; statement of the problem to be investigated and introduction which should include the relevant background of the subject and scope of inquiry, precise description of methodology applied for the measurement or recording of experiments. The details of the data and analysis of the data should follow the results and discussion and conclusion. The precise literature citation should be on the standard format so that verification may be facilitated.


5. Examination of Thesis

(a) The thesis must be typewritten on one side of the paper with margin of 1-1/2 inch at each side. The number of pages of the thesis should not be less than 100 or more than 120 in any case. It shall be bound in cloth with title, name of the author and institution and year on the cover. Five copies of the thesis shall be submitted to the University of Evaluation.

(b) On the submission of dissertation BASR, shall appoint three examiners to examine the thesis of the candidate. One of the examiners shall be the research supervisor, and the two shall be external examiners, not in the service of the university. If the three examiners give an adverse opinion about the thesis, it shall be rejected. However, the BASR on the recommendation of the Dean appoint additional (i.e.) fourth examiner and may consider to permit to revise the thesis in accordance with comments of examiners. After modification/revision thesis may be re-submitted after a period of three months.

(c) On the basis of favorable (positive) reports, the viva voce examination shall be conducted by supervisor of research. The viva voce shall be conducted in the Office of the Dean who will act as a titular Chairman.

(d) The degree shall be awarded on successful completion of the course work, approval of thesis by external, internal examiners and qualifying the viva voce examination.



1. Mid Term and Terminal Examination

The examination held at the end of semester after the completion of a course shall be known as Terminal Examination. It will carry 100 marks each for theory and practical. This examination is a passing head i.e., a student must for each course obtain a minimum of 50% marks separately in theory and practical in this examination. In each semester students may be required to appear in quizzes, and submit assignments to be determined by the teacher concerned and for these HEC policy guidelines and implementation of semester system will be followed. The examination will:

i. Theory: Mid Term Test 30 Marks, Terminal Examination 70 Marks.

ii. Practical: Terminal Examination 100 Marks.

Mid-term test will be conducted in the middle of semester whereas Terminal examination will be held at the end of semester after the completion of course work. At least 50% marks in each course must be obtained to pass the examination.


2. Grading System

Grades given to a student in each course shall be of two types:

a. Numerical Grade (NG) Assessment of performance on the basis of marks out of 100 fixed for a course of 3 or 4 credit hours unit is NG.

b. Letter Grade (LG) Equivalent of numerical grades in terms of alphabets shall be termed as alphabetical grades. (Each letter carries a value in terms of numerical points).

c. Grading


Degree Requirements:

1. Letter Grades A, B, C or D in all courses.

2. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)* – Minimum 2.45, calculated for all semesters. *CGPA = Sum of ( credit hours X GPA ) Total credit hours

d. Incomplete Grade (IG) A student fails to complete a course for reason beyond his control may be granted incomplete (IG). This course can be completed subsequently, for which fresh course fee be deposited.
Any student who fails to maintain a GPA 1.8 shall be placed on probation.
For incomplete courses no point shall be given.

e. Grade Point Average (GPA) Points obtained in each course shall be multiplied by the number of Credit Hours specified for that course, and then a grade point ratio (GPR) shall be calculated. For example, the result of a 1st year student in a semester may be as follows:

f. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) This is obtained by adding all the Grade Points of the courses during 5 years study period and dividing the total by the total number of credit hours.


3. Attendance

Attendance in each subject is compulsory for all students and no student shall be eligible to appear at any University examination unless he has attended 75 per cent attendance in the course.

i. The attendance of students admitted in the Faculty will be counted from the 1st day of semester and not from the date of admission.

ii. If a student is unable to attend classes continuously for 15 days or more without informing the Dean/Chairperson of the Department (in writing) his/her admission will also stand cancelled. In case of illness or other similar situation, application along with a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner duly verified by the Senior Medical Officer of the University must be submitted within two days after the incident. This may be informed to the Vice Chancellor accordingly.

iii. Original attendance register is to be submitted to the Dean/Chairperson for record and future reference.


4. Maximum Duration for Completion of Degree

The duration of completion M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees requirement will be followed as per University rules and regulations.


5. Requirement for the Award of M.Phil. Degree

a. A student must have passed all prescribed courses.

b. A student must have obtained a minimum CGPA 2.45

c. Submission of M.Phil. Thesis and Approval of BASR


6. Unfair means

All the cases of unfair means will be forwarded to the unfair means Committee appointed for the purpose and the matter will be dealt with in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University.


7. Interpretation of Semester Rules

The decision of the Faculty Committee, headed by the Dean, the Controller of Examinations and all the Heads of Department of Faculty would be final for the interpretation of semester rules. In case of any appeal the said Committee would dispose it off on its merits.

Total No. of Credit Hours: 30 Credit Hours Course work + 06 Credit Hours Thesis

Semester Duration: Minimum 16 weeks excluding Examination

Course Duration: Minimum 04 years

No. of Regular Semester: 02

Summer Session: For Deficiency/Failure Courses

Course Load: 9 to 15 Credit Hours


Admission And Examinations Post Graduate Studies (Ph.D.)


The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is a research degree awarded for a thesis considered to be a substantially original contribution to the subject concerned. The resolutions of the Academic Council of degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) are given in the University Calendar, Statutes and Regulations.

For Ph.D. master’s degree or equivalent degree is required as per HEC directives.

For the Master of Philosophy, a bachelor’s degree (BEMS or equivalent degree) is required as per HEC directives. Applicants should normally hold a master’s degree or a bachelor’s degree in Eastern Medicine from the University, or an equivalent qualification from another university or institution.


Areas of Research

Research in Eastern Medicine covers a broad spectrum of clinical sciences ranging from the design, formulations, clinical trials, through studies on methods of treatment of disease, to research on the clinical and sociological aspects of Unani therapies.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 4-8 years

All applicants for research degrees must contact the Faculty before making a formal application to establish that their research proposal is likely to be acceptable and that there are adequate resources and facilities for the research, as well as appropriate supervision. Formal applications must be accompanied by a four-page research proposal.



Admissions in Hamdard University are given according to merit


1. Eligibility for Admissions.

M.Phil. (Eastern Medicine) or Equivalent Degree, GAT/Equivalent University Test.


2. Procedure for Synopsis Submission

(a) The application on the prescribed form shall be made to the Registrar through the Dean, Faculty of Eastern Medicine and the Chairman concerned. It shall be accompanied with the synopsis consisting of the objectives, plan of work, methodology and bibliography.

(b) The Registrar shall present the application before the Board of Advance Studies and Research (BASR). The Board shall approve the title of the thesis, the name of the research supervisor and course requirement.

(c) The Registrar shall notify the decision of the BASR.

(d) Every candidate shall pursue his/her research at the Hamdard University, Karachi or any other institution approved by the BASR.

(e) No candidate shall undertake any employment during the period of his study. This rule shall not applicable to the teaching faculty of the Hamdard University.

(f) No candidate shall, join another course of studies or appear at any other examination conducted by the University.


3. Progress Report

The Student through his Supervisor will submit progress report every six months for the consideration of BASR, Hamdard University


4. Submission of Thesis

(a) The candidate shall not be allowed to submit the thesis after the end of 4th year from the date of admission

(b) The plan of thesis should be as follows; statement of the problem to be investigated and introduction which should include the relevant background of the subject and scope of inquiry, precise description of methodology applied for the measurement or recording of experiments. The details of the data and analysis of the data should follow the results and discussion and conclusion. The precise literature citation should be on the standard format so that verification may be facilitated.


5. Examination of Thesis

(a) The thesis must be typewritten on one side of the paper with margin of 1-1/2 inch at each side. The number of pages of the thesis should not be less than 100 or more than 120 in any case. It shall be bound in cloth with title, name of the author and institution and year on the cover. Five copies of the thesis shall be submitted to the University of Evaluation.

(b) On the submission of dissertation BASR, shall appoint three examiners to examine the thesis of the candidate. One of the examiners shall be the research supervisor, and the two shall be external examiners, not in the service of the university. If the three examiners give an adverse opinion about the thesis, it shall be rejected. However, the BASR on the recommendation of the Dean appoint additional (i.e.) fourth examiner and may consider to permits to revise the thesis in accordance to comments of examiners. After modification/revision thesis may be re-submitted after a period of three months.

(c) On the basis of favorable (positive) reports, the viva voce examination shall be conducted by supervisor of research. The viva voce shall be conducted in the Office of the Dean who will act as a titular Chairman.

(d) The degree shall be awarded on successful completion of the course work, approval of thesis by external, internal examiners and qualifying the viva voce examination.



1. Mid Term and Terminal Examination

The examination held at the end of semester after the completion of a course shall be known as Terminal Examination. It will carry 100 marks each for theory and practical. This examination is a passing head i.e., a student must for each course obtain a minimum of 50% marks separately in theory and practical in this examination. In each semester students may be required to appear in quizzes, and submit assignments to be determined by the teacher concerned and for these HEC policy guidelines and implementation of semester system will be followed. The examination will be:

i. Theory: Mid Term Test 30 Marks, Terminal Examination 70 Marks.

ii. Practical: Terminal Examination 100 Marks.

Mid-term test will be conducted in the middle of semester whereas Terminal examination will be held at the end of semester after the completion of course work. At least 50% marks in each course must be obtained to pass the examination.


2. Grading System

Grades given to a student in each course shall be of two types:

a. Numerical Grade (NG) Assessment of performance on the basis of marks out of 100 fixed for a course of 3 or 4 credit hours unit is NG.

b. Letter Grade (LG) Equivalent of numerical grades in terms of alphabets shall be termed as alphabetical grades. (Each letter carries a value in terms of numerical points).


c. Grading

Degree Requirements:

1. Letter Grades A, B, C or D in all courses.

2. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)* – Minimum 2.45, calculated for all semesters. *CGPA = Sum of ( credit hours X GPA ) Total credit hours

d. Incomplete Grade (IG) A student fails to complete a course for reason beyond his control may be granted incomplete (IG). This course can be completed subsequently, for which fresh course fee be deposited.

Any student who fails to maintain a GPA 1.8 shall be placed on probation.

For incomplete courses no point shall be given.

e. Grade Point Average (GPA) Points obtained in each course shall be multiplied by the number of Credit Hours specified for that course, and then a grade point ratio (GPR) shall be calculated. For example, the result of a 1st year student in a semester may be as follows:

f. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) This is obtained by adding all the Grade Points of the courses during 5 years study period and dividing the total by the total number of credit hours.


3. Attendance

Attendance in each subject is compulsory for all students and no student shall be eligible to appear at any University examination unless he has attended 75 per cent attendance in the course.

i. The attendance of students admitted in the Faculty will be counted from the 1st day of semester and not from the date of admission.

ii. If a student is unable to attend classes continuously for 15 days or more without informing the Dean/Chairperson of the Department (in writing) his/her admission will also stand cancelled. In case of illness or other similar situation, application along with a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner duly verified by the Senior Medical Officer of the University must be submitted within two days after the incident. This may be informed to the Vice Chancellor accordingly.

iii. Original attendance register is to be submitted to the Dean/Chairperson for record and future reference.


4. Maximum Duration for Completion of Degree

The duration of completion M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees requirement will be followed as per University rules and regulations.


5. Requirement for the Award of M.Phil. Degree

a. A student must have passed all prescribed courses.

b. A student must have obtained a minimum CGPA 2.45

c. Submission of M.Phil. Thesis and Approval of BASR


6. Unfair means

All the cases of unfair means will be forwarded to the unfair means Committee appointed for the purpose and the matter will be dealt with in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University.


7. Interpretation of Semester Rules

The decision of the Faculty Committee, headed by the Dean, The Controller of Examination and all the Heads of Department of Faculty would be final for the interpretation of semester rules. In case of any appeal the said Committee would dispose it off on its merits.

Total No. of Credit Hours: 30 Credit Hours Course work + 06 Credit Hours Ph.D. Dissertation

Semester Duration: Minimum 16 weeks excluding Examination

Course Duration: Minimum 04 years & Maximum 08 years

No. of Regular Semester: 02

Summer Session: For Deficiency/Failure Courses

Course Load: 9 to 15 Credit Hours

Program's Offered

Islamabad Campus

Degree Program Offered Eligibility Criteria Duration
Intermediate or equivalent in Pre Medical with minimum 50%
4 Years
Fee Structure
BEMS (Bachelor of Eastern Medicine System)

Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)

BS (Nutrition & Dietetics)

Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)

Research & Publication

Research & Publications (Click here to view)

Vision & Mission


The Faculty of Eastern Medicine in response to the growing needs of health management is determined to provide the knowledge and infrastructure to develop Eastern Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani) and to wide its applications, aims to build capacity of the common people (society) and the professionals to understand Tibb. It is also among the mission of the Faculty to educate allied professionals of the basic and applied fields of Natural Sciences, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), Medicine and Pharmacy, This mission of the Faculty of Eastern Medicine go well together following the vision of Hakim Mohammed Said and thus Hamdard University, to execute advance studies and research in Eastern Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani).


To prepare competent Medical Graduates of Eastern Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani) and train post-graduate professionals of Eastern Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani) to cater the ever growing demands of Health care and Management.
To provide Eastern Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani) knowledge to common people (society) and quality education to the undergraduates and train post-graduates in their practice and different fields of Eastern Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani) Specialization.
To educate the professionals of Eastern Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani) to work as members of the team of Health Professionals for promoting health and solving health problems in the community.
To publish books, monographs and undertake research projects and conduct courses specially for advance studies in Eastern Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani).
The major achievement of Faculty of Eastern Medicine is the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb, Johannesburg, University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, with University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan and Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, China. In order to develop and operate academic research programs for the advancement of Eastern Medicine, the faculty offers the following undergraduate degree programs:

  1. Bachelor of Eastern Medicine and Surgery - (Regular – 5 Years)
  2. M. Phil. (Eastern Medicine) and Ph. D. (Eastern Medicine) programs are also offered on regular basis.

Faculty List

Permanent Faculty

Prof. Dr. Syed Faisal Haider
Associate Dean, Faculty of Eastern Medicine
Head of Department
Ph.D (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Email: ADeanfem.huic@hamdard.edu.pk

(Click here to view profile)

Dr. Kanwal Ahmad

Associate Professor, Faculty of Eastern Medicine

Ph.D (Medical Science)
(Click here to view profile)

Dr. Neelum Shahzadi

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Eastern Medicine

Ph.D (Human Nutrition and Dietetics)
(Click here to view profile)

Dr. Ejaz Rafique

Lecturer, Faculty of Eastern Medicine

Ph.D Scholar (Microbiology )
(Click here to view profile)

Dr. Fakhri Ahmad

Lecturer, Faculty of Eastern Medicine

M. Phil
(Click here to view profile)

Shanza Israr

Lecturer, Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Faculty of Eastern Medicine

Msc. (Hons) Human Nutrition and Dietetics
(Click here to view profile)

M. Haseeb ur Rehman

Lecturer, Department of Human Nutrition & Dietetics
Faculty of Eastern Medicine

M. Phil (Human Nutrition & Dietetics)
(Click here to view profile)

Mujahid ul Islam

Lecturer, Department of Human Nutrition & Dietetics
Faculty of Eastern Medicine

M.Sc. Hons. Human Nutrition and Dietetics
(Click here to view profile)

Achievements Of a Student in his Educational Career at Hamdard University

Mr. Ahmad Yar Sukhera (Batch 2015) (Click here to view)

About Us

Hamdard University is a private research university with campuses in Karachi and Islamabad, Pakistan. It was founded in 1991 by the renowned philanthropist Hakim Said of the Hamdard Foundation. Hamdard is one of the first and the oldest private institutions of higher education in Pakistan.

Contact Us

Email: info@hamdard.edu.pk
Main Campus:
UAN No. : (021) -111-102-030
Landline: 021 36440042
Whatsapp No: (92) 311 4994995
City Campus:
Landline: 021 34381415, 021 34559779
Whatsapp No: (92) 312 1245302
Bahadurabad Campus:
Whatsapp No: (92) 312 1245300
Islamabad Campus:
Landline: 051-8840000, 051-8747131
F : (92-21) 36440045
Address (Main Campus):
Hamdard University, Madinat al-Hikmah
Hakim Mohammed Said Road
Karachi – 74600, Pakistan