Faculty of Management Sciences


Faculty of Management Sciences, Hamdard University is a renowned Business Institute serving students across the country. The faculty is offering various programs in Busness Administration with specialization in Finance, Marketing and Human Resource Management at Undergraduate, Graduate and Post Graduate levels. The multidisciplinary programs in the field of Management Sciences have dynamic and strategic orientation addresing the needs of changing environment. At Faculty of Management Sciences, we provide opportunities of learning and advancement for students from diverse backgrounds to enhance their employability. All the programs ensure to develop among the students ethical leadership, skills for globalization, sustainability and social responsibility. Besides various teaching methods are used that embody experiential learning approaches focused on preparing the students for new global economy.

Associate Dean Message

Associate Dean Dr. Syed Ali Raza Hamid

Business education today focuses on multiple areas comprising social, environmental, business, and technology – with a view to provide workable solutions. The aim is to enable students to develop analytical and soft skills helpful in tackling the complex problems of society and industry alike. The academic programs are designed to equip students with the ability to identify the imperatives of technology evolution and socio-economic development.

A special emphasis is placed on developing research initiatives by promoting critical thinking which is instrumental to exploring knowledge corridors. The research degree programs of the faculty are fairly inclusive geared toward sustainable development. Faculty and students are actively involved in research and publish in high-ranking international journals. As an integral part of corporate world, we believe in developing cordial relations with various stakeholders of the industry. Besides, we offer an enterprising culture that tends to promote a rethinking process and transformational leadership skills among the students. Being a part and parcel of Hamdard ethos, we promote social responsibility behavior among our students.

Academic Rules

Academic Rules and Regulations

Students admitted to HIMS must abide by all academic and administrative rules, as approved or modified by HU/HIMS from time to time. All admissions are provisional and HIMS reserves the right to cancel admission of any student for indiscipline, violating rules, providing false information, manipulating the documents, or for any other reason. The students are required to adhere to the code of ethics and conduct for HIMS students. A copy of the same may be obtained from the Director`s office.


The students will be considered on the rolls of the University after due enrollment. Duly filled in enrollment  form along with necessary documents must be submitted in the office of the Deputy Registrar (Academics), through HIMS Office, within six weeks from the date of admission in any program at HIMS. A student who fails to do so will be liable to cancellation of admission without any refund of fees. Fresh enrollment shall be required for each degree program. The following documents are to be submitted along with the enrollment form

  1. A copy of matriculation certificate along with the original. The latter will be returned after verification
  2. A copy of the pre-requisite certificates/diplomas/ degrees along with the originals. The later will be returned after verification
  3. Original marks sheet(s) of the requisite examination(s) to be retained by the University
  4. Two recent photographs of 1” x 1” size
  5. A copy of student`s N.I.C. (or father`s N.I.C. along with form `B` from students under 18 years of age)

Students seeking admission on the basis of `A` levels/`O` levels or degrees from foreign institution/universities are required to obtain and submit “Equivalence Certificate” from the Competent Authority (Inter Board Committee of Chairmen Islamabad in case of Matriculation, Intermediate and Higher Education Commission, Islamabad in case of graduation).

Enrollment in a degree program shall be valid as under Degree Program Validity

BBA (4 years)6 years
BS (4 years)6 years
BBS6 years
BBS/MBA2 years
MBA (3.5 years)6 years
MBA (2.5 years)4 years
MBA (1.5 years)2 years
MS (1.5 years)2 years
DBA (1.5 years)2 years

After the expiry of this period, the student shall apply for fresh enrollment with payment of requisite charges.


Punctuality and regular attendance in lectures and other course related work is necessary. A minimum of 85% attendance is compulsory in every course. From the date of commencement of a course, a maximum absence of 7 sessions in regular semester, 4 sessions (2 hours each) in summer semester and 3 sessions (3 hours each) on weekends, shall be allowed. Absences exceeding these limits will result in award of an `F` grade in the respective course.
There is no provision of condoning absence beyond these limits for any reason, whatsoever. Absence on the first day of the semester, immediately before and / or after holidays, and examinations, is considered a serious offence and shall render the student liable to suitable disciplinary action. In certain exceptional cases, such as hospitalization, on production of suitable proof, the attendance requirement may be relaxed from 85% to 75% by the approval of Director HIMS.

Teaching Methodology

A typical 3 credit hour course is delivered in 42-48 teaching hours including examinations, 3 hours per week, spread over roughly 16-18 weeks in a regular semester; 6 hours per week, spread over roughly 8 weeks in summer semester and / or weekends in Executive MBA programs. Teaching mix consists of lectures, assignments, seminars, research projects and/or any other learning activity suited to the course as determined by the Course Instructor, in consultation with the Chairman of the teaching department concerned.

Course Load

The normal course load for every semester shall be followed as stated in the respective program offering in the prospectus. The Institute reserves the right to change the number and composition of the courses required for a degree program due to any reason.


The SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Points Average) shall be calculated according to the under mentioned formula. CGPA= Sum of (Credit Hours) x GPA Total Credit Hours

Grading Scheme

A typical 3 credit-hour courses offered in all programs shall be evaluated on the following scheme:

Quizzes (n-1)10%
Assignment (s)/Termreport20%
Mid-Term Examination30%
Terminal Examination 40%
Total  100%

Depending on special requirements of any course, the course instructor may prescribe a different scheme of evaluation with the approval of the Director, HIMS upon the recommendation of Chairman of the Department. Students shall not be allowed to take examinations: (a) If they fail to produce I.D. Cards in the Midterm Examination and Admit Cards (issued by HIMS office after all necessary clearances) in the Semester Final Examination and / or (b) If they are defaulting in payment of fee.

Dropping a course

A student may apply to drop a course within 3 regular sessions from the start of the semester / course in a regular semester. Students are not encouraged to drop more than one course in a semester. A written permission shall be required on the prescribed “Course Drop Form” with “No Objection” from the Course Instructor and approval of the Academic Advisor. The fee paid for such course shall not lapse and will be accounted for later. A course taken in summer semester or on weekends cannot be dropped.

Withdrawal from a course

A student may apply for withdrawal from a course within 10 weeks of start of session, in a regular semester. A written permission from the Director shall be required on the prescribed “Course Withdrawal Form” with “No Objection” from the Course Instructor. Withdrawal from a course taken in summer semester or on weekends must be applied for one day before the mid-term examination. The students allowed withdrawal will not be awarded `F` in the course and the course will not be counted for purposes of calculating GPA/CGPA. The fee paid for such course shall not be refunded.

Incomplete Course

A student who has completed all attendance requirements in a course and taken all class tests and quizzes with a minimum of 50% marks in the semester work and fails to appear in the semester final examination due to any genuine reason may apply for `incomplete` in the course on the joint recommendation of the Course Instructor and the Academic Advisor. After the approval of the Dean/Director, the student shall be granted `I` which will not count towards calculation of SGPA or CGPA. The student must apply for conversion and shall be given an examination paper of 40 marks within six weeks from the date of the final examination of that course, failing which the` I will be converted to an F.

Dropping a Semester

A student may be permitted to drop a maximum of two semesters for genuine reasons during a degree program. The period of discontinuation shall be included in the validity period of his/her enrollment.

Promotion to next higher semester

A minimum CGPA of 1.8 is required for promotion. However, the students with a CGPA less than 2.5 will be on probation. The student who fails/drops/withdraws four or more courses will not be promoted as well. If a student fails to achieve CGPA of 1.8 in two consecutive semesters, his/her name shall be removed from the rolls of the University

Eligibility for award of Degree

Students are required to obtain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.5 out of 4.0 to earn any degree / diploma and pass a comprehensive examination, as per rules. The students with a CGPA of less than 2.5 shall be required to improve by repeating in full the courses with a `C` grade to fulfill the eligibility requirements.

Promotion from BBA 4 years to MBA

BBA (Hons.) students with deficiencies/CGPA less than 2.5 shall not be eligible for promotion to MBA. They shall be required to remove deficiencies/improve CGPA. 

Improvement of CGPA

Students having CGPA of less than 3.0 may be permitted to repeat only those courses in which they have earned `C` Grade. Such courses may be taken in a regular semester, Weekend or Summer Program on payment of requisite course fee. Permission to repeat a course shall be given only once. If a student fails or gets a poorer result in subsequent attempt, his/her previous result shall hold good.

Migration and Transfer of Credits

Students seeking admission on advanced standing basis are allowed exemption for similar courses passed in at least `B` grade from recognized/Chartered institutions provided they also fulfill the basic admission criteria for the relevant degree program. The equivalence of course outlines shall be determined by the Dean, Director and concerned H.O.D., N.O.C / Clearance from the Institute / University is required to be submitted by the student to get admission at HIMS. If a foreign citizen migrates from abroad, he/she shall be required to provide N.O.C. from the relevant Ministry of the Government of Pakistan. Exemption in a course shall be allowed only if the course contents match at least 80% with the corresponding course at HIMS.

Migration from a recognized Institute / University shall be allowed only if the student has completed at least one semester at the parent Institute / University. It is also be incumbent upon the students to complete at least 50% of his / her course work at HIMS. Transfer of credit(s) in similar course(s) passed by a student is allowed only if he/she has transferred from a constituent or affiliated institution of Hamdard University.

Maximum Course Load

Maximum course load shall be determined on the basis of performance of the student as under: GPA / CGPA Below 1.8

Only deficiency courses (in which the student has failed) shall be offered. Total number of courses must not exceed the normal course load of the staying semester. 1.8 to 2.5

Total number of courses (including deficiency courses, if any) shall not exceed the normal course load of the probationary semester. More than 2.5 to 3.0 Normal course load of the semester plus one deficiency course.

More than 3.0 Normal course load of the semester plus two deficiency courses. A minimum CGPA of 2.5 is mandatory for the award of a degree. Repeating / improving grade / incomplete / taking courses from other campuses of this University shall disqualify the student for award of positions / medals. Those students who fail to complete the degree requirements shall be eligible for award of certificates for the courses that they have completed.


Internship At least one, 6-8 week internship is  mandatory for the award of a degree. These internships can be arranged /allowed during summer and / or any other convenient time. The concerned Academic Advisor, on the basis of reports from the organizations served, evaluates the internees. Courses at Other Campuses Students enrolled in one program may be allowed to take courses in other programs under certain rules and conditions and only on the approval of Director HIMS.

Comprehensive Examination

Comprehensive Examination After completion of all courses prescribed for a degree and obtaining a minimum CGPA of 2.5, students shall be eligible for and required to take a “Comprehensive Examination”. Satisfactory performance in this examination is mandatory for the award of degree. Any student failing in comprehensive examination shall be eligible for the next comprehensive examination only after an interval of one regular semester. A maximum of three attempts shall be allowed to a student failing which he / she shall be eligible for award of certificates for the completed courses.

Programs Offered

Islamabad Campus

Degree Program Offered Eligibility Criteria Duration
Intermediate or equivalent with minimum 45%
4 years
14 years of education with minimum 2nd division in any discipline
2 years
Intermediate or equivalent with minimum 45% in any discipline
4 years
BS Accounting & Finance
Intermediate or equivalent with minimum 45% in any discipline
2 years
Intermediate or equivalent in any discipline
2 years
Intermediate or equivalent in any discipline
2 years
Intermediate or equivalent in any discipline
2 years
16 years of education with minimum 2.5 CGPA or 50%
2 years
MS Management Science
16-years of education with minimum 2.5 CGPA (GAT test is mandatory)
2 years
Fee Structure
AD (Management Sciences)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)
Zero for AD (Management Sciences)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)


BS (Accounting & Finance) (4-Years)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)
BBA (Business Administration) (4-Years)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)
BBA (Business Administration) (2-Years)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)
MBA (Masters of Business Administration)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)
MBA (Masters of Business Administration, Non-Business)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)
MS (Management Sciences) (3-Years)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)
MS (Management Sciences) (2-Years)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)
PhD (Management Sciences)
Fee StructureAmount
Admission & Enrollment Fee (One Time Only)
Registration & Exam Fee (Per Semester)
Tuition Fee (Per Semester)


Research & Publication


Title: Multivariate Copula Modeling With Application In Software Project Management And Information Systems
Author: S.M.A.Burney, O.Ajaz , S.Burney
Publication Description: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 9, No. 11, 2018
Year: 2017 
Vision & Mission


“FMS strives to be a center of excellence in providing holistic business education to produce cutting edge leadership to meet the challenges of dynamic global and local markets”


Faculty of Management Science thrives to inculcate business acumen in its graduates through its long and illustrious tradition of Hamdard. Encompassing holistic approach – intellectual, spiritual, emotional, physical, social and cultural facets of development, the faculty provide a steady stream of quality managers to contribute to the growing needs of Pakistan and beyond. Our futuristic and resilient approaches reflect new possibilities in the business world.

We aim to provide broad-based cross functional business education addressing the future challenges of multiple stakeholders with state of the art technology and infrastructure.

Faculty List

Permanent Faculty

Dr. Syed Ali Raza Hamid
Dr. Ali Raza is working as Professor and also serving as Associate Dean of the faculty. He has PhD in Management Science with specialization in Marketing from International Islamic University in 2018. He has 23 years of academic and industry experience of local and international markets. He has published 26 research articles in international journals. His areas of interest are strategic marketing, sustainable marketing, and consumer psychology.
Dr. Najabat Ali
Dr. Najabat Ali is working as Associate professor in the Faculty of Management Sciences. He has PhD in Finance and Economics from Shanghai University China in 2019. He has also completed his postdoctoral from Jiangsu University China in 2021. He secured his second postdoctoral from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand in 2022. He has an overall experience of more than 12 years in Pakistan and abroad. He has authored more than 40 research publications in international journals. He is presently serving as a reviewer and editor for several reputed journals.
Dr. Sanober Shaheen
Ms. Sanober Shaheen is working as Assistant Professor in Faculty of Management Sciences, Hamdard University Islamabad Campus. She has PhD in Management Science with majors in Finance from CUST Islamabad. She has more than 7 years of teaching experience and 1 year of professional experience in finance and audit. Presently she is teaching graduate and undergraduate courses of accounting, finance and audit. Sanober has authored two research publications in international journals.
Dr. Mehnaz Mansoor
Ms. Mahnaz Mansoor is working as Assistant Professor in the Faculty og management Sciences. She has PhD in Management Sciences with majors in marketing from Comsats University. She has 3 years of teaching experience. Mahnaz has authoried 15 research papers in international journals. She is teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in the field of marketing. .
Mr. Faisal Masud
Mr. Faisal Masud is working as Assistant Professor in Faculty of Management Sciences, Hamdard University Islamabad Campus. He has MS in Management Science with majors in Marketing from SZABIST Islamabad. Presently he is enrolled in PhD program. He has more than 14 years of teaching experience and 10 years of professional experience in sales and management, presently Faisal is teaching graduate and undergraduate courses of marketing, communication, and management policies
Ms. Munawwer Sulatana
Ms Munawwer Sultana is working as Lecturer at Faculty of Management Science, Hamdard University Islamabad. Munawwer Sultana has MA (Economics), University of Karachi and MAS (Master in Applied Science) from AERC (Applied Economics Research Center) University of Karachi. She has MS in Management Sciences with majors in Finance from Hamdard University. Munawwer has 27 years of teaching experience. Her main teaching areas are Economics, Finance, Maths, Statistics.
Mr. Saad Babar
Mr. Saad Babar is working as Lecturer at Faculty of Management Sciences(FMS), Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus. He has done his MS in Human Resource Management from Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus. He is associated with Hamdard University from the last 13 years. Saad has 13 years of teaching experience as well as 3 years professional experience and has worked with Intel and Qualcomm. He has taught undergraduate subjects which include Foreign Language(French), Introduction to Computers, Information Systems, Human Resource Management and graduate subjects which include Social Media Marketing, Management Information System. Saad has 1 research publication and 2 conference proceedings. Saad also carries French language certifications. His area of expertise are Management Information Systems, Training and Human Resource development.
Mr. Jawad Abdul Ghaffar
Mr. Jawad Abdul Ghaffar, is woking as an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Management Sciences Hamdard University Islamabad Campus. He has 8 years of teaching and 7 years of industry experience. Jawad has (MSc in Accounting and Finance from University of Leicester, UK and MBA in HRM from Bahria University Islamabad Campus. Mr Jawad has expertise in Management, Finance and Accounts courses, and has published 2 research papers in in International Journals.
Syed Khalid Ahmed
Syed Khalid Ahmed is working as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Management Science. research scholar and has three publications. He has MS in Management and MS in Marketing Management from the University of Central England, UK. Presently he is enrolled in PhD program. He has over twenty-five years of diverse work experience. By undertaking a number of diverse roles in varied organizational culture, he had developed several competencies in teaching, training, management, and analytical skills areas, which enabled him to quickly adapt to new roles and help the organisation meets its objectives. He has conducted variety of seminars, workshops, etc. for learner’s and staff development.
Ms. Maham Fatima
Ms. Maham Fatima Nizam is working as a Lecturer in Faculty of Management Sciences, Hamdard University Islamabad Campus. She has MS in Management Science with majors in Marketing from Karachi University Business School. She is associated with Hamdard University from almost 3 years and has more than 5 years of professional experience in sales, marketing and supply chain management. Maham currently teaches undergraduate courses of marketing, supply chain, and management.

Visiting Faculty

Dr. Salma Durrani HIMS (Evening) – Khi Ph.D Ms .Huma Aftab HIMS (Morning) – Khi MA (English)
Ms. Summaiyah Munir HIMS (Morning) – Khi M.Phil (Management Sciences) Mr. Ijaz Hussain HIMS (Morning) – Khi MS (Finance)
Mr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Abbasi MBA (Islamiat)

About Us

Hamdard University is a private research university with campuses in Karachi and Islamabad, Pakistan. It was founded in 1991 by the renowned philanthropist Hakim Said of the Hamdard Foundation. Hamdard is one of the first and the oldest private institutions of higher education in Pakistan.

Contact Us

Email: info@hamdard.edu.pk
Main Campus:
UAN No. : (021) -111-102-030
Landline: 021 36440042
Whatsapp No: (92) 311 4994995
City Campus:
Landline: 021 34381415, 021 34559779
Whatsapp No: (92) 312 1245302
Bahadurabad Campus:
Whatsapp No: (92) 312 1245300
Islamabad Campus:
Landline: 051-8840000, 051-8747131
F : (92-21) 36440045
Address (Main Campus):
Hamdard University, Madinat al-Hikmah
Hakim Mohammed Said Road
Karachi – 74600, Pakistan